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"Geo Milev" Comprehensive School

"Geo Milev" School - Varna is a member of ASPnet of UNESCO. It was was founded in 1981 and is one of the largest in the city. During the school year 2018/2019, 1320 pupils from the 1st to the 12th grade are taught into 52 classes. Teachers are 88, and there are 10 people staff. At SU ”Geo Milev” pupils begin to the study English, German or Russian in first grade, and in second grade - second foreign language. In the secondary level students classes are with foreign language profile - English/ German/Russian/. The schools' management started a long-term program of implementing innovative and highly motivating methods and changes in the school curricula. They try to provide European collaborative learning, exchange of best practices and internationalization of the school.
This project will be a significant step in implementation of tools for effective development of key competences and will provide an international field for learning, collaboration and practical language development.Teachers will have the opportunity to learn and teach know-how skills and their students will benefit from the chance to communicate, interact and cooperate with their peers from other European countries, as it will be their reality in the near future as active and successful citizens of United Europe. 

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Електронна игра създадена по проекта.
E-game created as project activity.
Римското културно наследство в Европа.
Roman Cultural Heritage of Europe
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Невероятните открития от римското минало
The Incredible Inventions from the Roman Past.
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Римски терми- Варна
Roman baths - Varna.
Археологически музей - Варна
Archeological Museum-Varna
Родната къща на Сервантес.
Servantes'    birghtplace.  
Представяне на музея Segobriga.
Presentation of Segobriga Museum.
Представяне на римския град Complutum.
Presentation of Roman Complutum.
Представяне на ученическия обмен в гр.Гуадалахара - Испания.
Dissemination activity - prezentation of the mobility in Guadalajara- Spain.
Подготовка за работно посещение в Мадрид-Испания.  Запознаване с историята и забележителностите на Испания.
Pre-mobility activity - getting acquainted with the history and culture of Spain. 


           Презентация на архитектурно-културния паметник  Императорски форум-Рим.

             Imperial Forums - Roma -presentation.


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Презентация на Капитолийския музей- Рим

Museum Capitolini -Roma - presentation.


Презентация за Акведукта- Рим

Aqueduct  -Roma - presentation.


Презентация на архитектурен резерват Остия Антика.

Ostia Antica - presentation.



Първа работна среща на участниците в проекта.Получени са първите задачи.Предстои много работа, но пък сме и много ентусиазирани!

First project meeting with the students involved in the activities. First tasks are given. Many work ahead, but also a lot of enthusiazm!


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